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Baby’s First Solids

The first time I introduced solids to my baby boy was a memorable moment for me. Starting solids is a big milestone for a baby. For me, it was his first step in eating normal food. First he starts with swallowing pureed food, then he will learn to mash soft food with his gums, which will then lead to chewing his food (when teeth eventually come). More importantly, I knew my choice of food for him is crucial as it will have to provide him the nutrients he will need to grow into a healthy child.

Although, milk (either breast milk or formula) was his primary form of nutrition, the solids played a vital role as well. (Important side note: DO NOT give an infant cow’s milk until the baby is one years old and is approved by the pediatrician). Since he had never tried anything outside of milk, I knew whatever fruits, vegetables and whole grains I introduced him to now will help train his palate to its’ tastes. Therefore, I decided to try a variety of different fruits and vegetables. However, there is a certain order that  helps the child get accustomed to solids.

After referring to What to Expect, I decided to start off with nutrient rich foods like cereals (such as pureed whole grain oatmeal which is rich in iron or pureed brown rice), vegetables (start with yellow or orange vegetables which are milder in flavor like pureed sweet potatoes and carrots before trying the green colored vegetables), and easily digestible fruits (such as pureed apples and bananas). Please refer to this link for additional information http://www.whattoexpect.com/first-year/feeding-baby/starting-solids/first-foods.aspx.

Furthermore, I decided to start him off with Organic Old Fashioned Rolled Oats as his first form of solids. I loved how it contained whole grain, iron and protein; 3 very important nutrients. Here is the link to how to make easy  oatmeal at home . In addition, the above link  from the what to expect website mentions how the food needs to be “practically dripping from the spoon.” I did exactly as what was recommended. After getting the oatmeal to its pureed consistency, I then added one tablespoon of the oatmeal to an ounce or two of his milk (use either breast milk or formula; again do NOT use cow’s milk). I made sure it was the “dripping from the spoon” consistency. So if he was to drink 5 ounces of milk, I would add 1-2 ounces of the milk to the oatmeal and the remaining 3-4 ounces I would give to him in his bottle AFTER he had eaten the oatmeal. I did not add any sweetness to the oatmeal as it’s not needed. Babies do not know what sugar is, nor do they have taste buds for it yet. So why introduce something that doesn’t carry any nutritional benefits? I wanted his food to be rich in nutrients so he grows to be a healthy happy boy. Also, I wanted him to acquire a taste for healthy foods which are full of healthy fats and nutrients. In addition to healthy eating,  I made sure to give him the same food for 3-4 days straight just in case if his body reacts to the food, I would know which food caused the allergic reaction. So after the third or fourth day, I changed the food. First I gave pureed oatmeal, then steamed and pureed sweet potatoes, then pureed apples, then bananas, then mashed ripe avocados. All in all, he ate every single food I gave to him. After he gets used to the taste of each, then I began mixing ingredients.

A healthy baby is always a happy baby which also makes me a very happy momma since I know he is getting all the nutrients his body needs.

For additional and helpful information, please refer to this provided link:

Happy Eating


  1. This has been very helpful since I have started giving my 6 month old solids this month. Thank you so much.

  2. Astghik Jan this was so wonderful. I am an inexperienced grandmo. I will definitely use your advices. Thank you.

    • vpapoian@yahoo.com

      Dearest Susan,
      Thank you very much, I greatly appreciate it. It’s with great pleasure to share what I’ve learned in the past year with you and everyone else. I am so extremely happy that I can pass my knowledge onto you and that this can be of assistance to you as it has been for me. I greatly appreciate you taking your time to visit the blog and to read the post. Here’s to happy and healthy eating.
      All the best
      Astghik 🙂

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